Band Boosters 

Our Story

Founded in 2016, the goal and purpose of the Band Boosters is to raise funds for the band students and the band program. A portion of the monies raised are given directly to the student who participates in fundraising and remaining funds are used to support the band as a whole in a variety of ways, ie: instrument repair, guest artists, sectional coaches, new instruments, etc. We have many great fundraising events and opportunities including: Munson Candy sales at Football games and concerts and in the spring; Band Swag (Shirts, Water Bottle, Reusable Shopping Bags, Car Magnets), and Fundraising Concerts. 


This year’s goal is to raise $5,000 and we can’t do it without your help! 

Guilt free Fundraiser information and link coming soon.

Hall Band Booster Swag:

Show your support of the Hall Music program by purchasing a Hall Titans Water Bottle or Reusable Shopping Bag or a Hall Music Magnet or Band shirt (coming soon). More information and order link coming soon. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact us.